Monday, May 27, 2019


Well, it finally happened. I knew it was coming, in fact, has been coming for some time. And today it happened. My wife no longer loves me best. I’m no longer number one in her heart.

Of course, I can’t really blame her. The other guy has only been in the picture for a few years, but from day one, he could do no wrong. He was always there, always loving, never talked back, never asked for anything, and never, ever complained. Sure, he had his faults, but it didn’t really matter what little indescretion he might have committed, one look into those sad, apologetic eyes, and he was instantly forgiven.

Oh, I knew they were taking long walks together. I knew she chatted with him endlessly, but who could blame her, he was such a good listener. I even knew about her constant praise, and all the little treats she was givng him, usually to get him to do her bidding, but sometimes for no reason at all. I even knew that they were sleeping together, and had been for years.

Yes, I knew all the details, but still felt she loved me best. Sure I wasn’t the best looking, or in the great shape that he was, but I did earn the money, provide and maintain the home, and even take the garbage to the dump. I was the one who had been there the longest, and shared the most. But he was the one who never left here side when she was sad, or worried, or not feeling well. He was the one who proffered unconditional love, unconditionally.

And so today, when I left for work, and the dog stayed home, and she was OK with that, even expected it, even desired it; I knew was number one, no longer.

I like to think I am still number two, but she is awfully fond of her son, and awfully fond of my daughter, and seems to worry far more about them then about me; so I may be number three, or even four. Of course, there is also her best friend from years before we ever meant, who has always been there for her; but he hasn’t called for awhile, and isn’t planning to visit any time soon; so, with a bit of luck, I may not end up number five, even if she doesn’t love me best.

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